
Life can be funny!

The one thing I've come to learn about in life is no matter what your life will be a roller coaster. Not just having bad and good days, but boring and busy, sad and happy days. I'm not one to be down in the dumps usually, but bored. I've had non-stop jobs, plus the military since I was in high-school. After getting out of the military I went home for those 9 months while Robert was deployed, and once he got back and we got settled in Colorado Springs I got a job. I didn't quit that job until it was basically time to pack up, clean the house and move to Georgia. This time we both decided I didn't need to get a job, I could just stay home and focus on college. It was all fun and games until about April. I was loving the Netflix and chilling by myself, sleeping in and taking naps. Then one day I just got bored! I was sick of being alone during the day, I was sick of getting my college done early and have nothing to do other than video games, the tortoise or TV. Do...

That 80% That WILL Get You

Wait, wait, wait. Here is a picture of Gohan and Deadpool. ↴ Did you know that no matter how hard you work out it only counts to about 20% of your weight loss?   Well, it's true, in most cases. An overweight women takes on way more fat and so much easier than a man. So if you are overweight and you're working out and nothing is happening it's your eating habits. It's the carbs and sugars you're taking in. I know, from experience, that just by switching soda and sugary juices to water you will notice your weight drop maybe just a few ounces to a pound within the first week! You don't have to drink plain water either, add a lemon or a lime. Different fruits and vegetables actually will benefit you with your weight loss too. Anyways, 80% of your weight loss will be the way you eat. From experience of this last month, just by cutting carbs I've lost another 4 pounds, and one inch from my waist. I was working out, but as of today, I haven't worked out...

My Fitness Journey

As you know from my prior blogs (if not go ahead and read my beginning!) I had been a lazy high schooler to an Army soldier and now college student and wife. I never use to struggle with weight growing up until I joined the Army. Go figure right? Well little ol' me at five foot zero gained a good 20 pounds within my few years in the military. Yes, we did PT every day, but clearly isn't enough. I actually got chaptered from the military, honorable discharge, for being overweight. Once I got home and started college I started thinking I really need to lose this weight, not only to look good but also for my health. Keep reading because I have a Gohan update, trust me you don't want to miss it! And... I got super sick. I mean 5am until about dinner time throwing up. For months, usually a good three weeks non-stop. The only food I was taking in was everything after dinner time that I could stand. This went on from March 2017 until August 2017. I lost weight so fast, I went f...

Life Planning

Before I got out of the Army organization wasn't ever a daily task. The Army does everything for you; be here at 0630, wear this uniform because you'll be doing this until 1600 where we will have a formation for the end of the day. Never had to plan my weeks, but now I do and I love it. Without my planner, I would forget everything. Yes you can set reminders on your phone, but it's something about the creativity and physically writing everything down. Not only do I have a monthly calendar, where I can write in each of my daily tasks, but a weekly where I can note my nutrition, workout, and hydration. I am very into fitness, and I will get to that in the next few blogs.  Here are things I write on my monthly calendar for this coming month of June: College; I write my due assignments in their perspective days, but also all the required reading in the days before so I can space my time out. Blog; I plan my blog out weekly, so I know what to write about when that day come...

Life Takes us on All Kinds of Paths

As a child growing up I've wanted to be almost everything under the sun. Then I started high school, everyone thought nursing was my path, so I took the Allied Health my sophomore year and graduated with my Certified Nurses Assistant license. I worked as a CNA afterward, then I joined the U.S. Army. My first Army job was a radio specialist, but I changed it right before I went to basic training and became a 91 fox, small arms and artillery repairer. While I was going through AIT for my job I took a college class and even got my certificate to be a guns smith. Towards the end of my military career, I was put into headquarters and did paperwork for the company I was in. Basically like a secretary for our first sergeant. I would say in each job I've done, I've been very successful (I didn't mention the summer jobs I've had, plus babysitting and working at a small fair). Successful, but not truly happy. I love caring for people, but not physically and I know I truly wan...

Gohan my Cherry Head Red Foot Tortoise

Gohan!   Here is our little banana eating explorer, and my one true love, Robert! (If you read my previous blog, that's "him"!) We got him April 20, 2018 as a little hatchling. As soon as I put him in his home he immediately went to his food and started eating. For the next hour, he went from his home to his food, constantly. I could tell he was happy, couldn't make his mind up. Sleep or eat? At first, we had him in a small glass tank, and I knew it wasn't going to suit him because he was so active. We then made him (out of a Rubbermaid tote) a bigger enclosure!  Here you can see his whole enclosure. He has his food and water bowl, and he insists on climbing through his water bowl and I have to change the water almost every few hours. He also loves to take his food and prefers to eat on the ground. Here you can see he has carrots, but he had already eaten most of the romaine lettuce, so I cleaned it up. Next to his food is that long white thing, ...

The Beginning of my Beginning

I, unfortunately, got married at the age of 18, to a boy I thought was "him". What girls, and guys, don't understand that at such a young age you haven't met everyone you're going to meet. Whether they are going to college, joining the military, traveling or even staying in their home state, you will meet someone new almost daily. Also, you change. Not only do you change physically, but mentally. Your brain doesn't fully develop until you're 25. That boy (and I say boy because we were both young and still teenagers) changed more than I did at first. The military is what changed us. It was his calling and mine, but because our paths didn't stick together there was no way WE as a married couple, could make it work. Divorced before I was even 20. How cute, right? Great way to start off a young adults life right? Well, honestly, I don't regret one thing in my past because it has given me the amazing path I am on right now, and there's no other way ...