That 80% That WILL Get You

Wait, wait, wait. Here is a picture of Gohan and Deadpool. ↴

Did you know that no matter how hard you work out it only counts to about 20% of your weight loss?   Well, it's true, in most cases. An overweight women takes on way more fat and so much easier than a man. So if you are overweight and you're working out and nothing is happening it's your eating habits. It's the carbs and sugars you're taking in. I know, from experience, that just by switching soda and sugary juices to water you will notice your weight drop maybe just a few ounces to a pound within the first week! You don't have to drink plain water either, add a lemon or a lime. Different fruits and vegetables actually will benefit you with your weight loss too.

Anyways, 80% of your weight loss will be the way you eat. From experience of this last month, just by cutting carbs I've lost another 4 pounds, and one inch from my waist. I was working out, but as of today, I haven't worked out in 9 days. Have I gained weight, nope! Why I haven't gained weight, just stayed at 137 pounds, is because I eat healthily. Carbs is a no go, it's what your body burns first as you're working all day, or even just at home. That's the first source of energy your body takes from you, which is okay, but anything more than 7 grams of carbs will just stick to you unless you're working out for an hour or more every single day. 

After carbs, your body burns the fat, which is what we want, obviously! So the fewer carbs, or none at all, is letting your body go into ketosis, burning the fat. If you google more about this you will come across the keto diet, which is more fatty foods than any other food. I don't like to eat a lot of fatty foods, just the fact that you're putting fat into your body, I'd rather just eat healthy foods period. I like to replace bread with lettuce (keto diet would say bacon) and flour with coconut flour. If you couldn't do lettuce, change the bread with corn tortillas. No carbs, happy healthy life! Always eat your vegetables and have fruit for one snack a day (no bananas or corn). Now that you understand why only 20% of your weight loss is from working out I have a few simple recipes to share with you.

Breakfast: Oatmeal
  • Steel-cut Oats
  • 1 Banana
  • 5-7 Strawberries
  • Cinnamon (if you'd like)
  • Almond milk (or water)
  1. Follow instructions to cook your oats, adding either the almond milk or water
  2. Slice and dice the banana and strawberries (I prefer small chunks)
  3. Once the oats are finished add desired cinnamon (if you want)
  4. Add in the bananas and strawberries
  5. ENJOY :)
Snack: Pepperoni Chips
  • Pepperoni slices
  • cheese (shredded of your choice)
  • Hot Sauce (if you want)
  1. Take about 10-15 (or serving size) of pepperoni slices, place them on a plate with a folded napkin (for grease)
  2. Cook them in the microwave for about 30 seconds
  3. Take them out, replace napkin, add cheese and place into the microwave until cheese is melted
  4. Add hot sauce and enjoy!
Lunch: Spicy Meatball Tortillas
  • Ground turkey
  • Chorizo
  • Shredded Cheese
  • Hot Sauce (hot sauce helps burn fat, if you don't believe me google it;)))) )
  • CORN Tortillas
  • Marinara Sauce
  1. Preheat oven to 400
  2. Mix the turkey, chorizo, cheese and hot sauce together
  3. Make round meatballs (same size), smaller ones because the corn tortillas aren't very big, unless you can find big ones!
  4. Cook meatballs for about 25-30 mins
  5. When meatballs have about 5 mins left, cook the tortillas on 6 until each side is browned
  6. Take the meatballs out, add 2 or 3 to the tortillas, add more cheese and/or hot sauce then ENJOOOOY
Dinner: Pizza
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1/3 cup parmesan cheese
  • Shredded cheese
  • Pizza sauce
  • Meats / veggies of your choice
  1. Preheat oven to 400
  2. Beat eggs and water
  3. Combine dry ingredients and then add egg mixture
  4. Liberally oil a 12 in or 9x13 baking pan with oil
  5. Add pizza batter onto pan and spread evenly
  6. Bake for about 10-15 mins or until edges begin to brown
  7. Remove from oven and add cheese, sauce and toppings
  8. Place back in the oven for another 8-10 mins
  9. Enjoy a freaking healthy pizza! :)
Meal Replacer Shake
My favorite type of shake is an easy, simple, meal replacing, tasty shake! On the go ever? Need to make something quick and head back to work? Well, this is for you, especially if you workout, as it has protein. It's too easy, in the blender add about 6-7 ice cubes to your blender followed with 1 cup of almond milk, 1 scoop of chocolate or strawberry protein powder, 1 banana, 2 spoonfuls of chunky peanut butter (if you don't like peanut butter use 1 or none), blend until you're happy with the thickness. 

There you got a few recipes to add to your new healthy routine, and more to come! Hope you enjoyed and if you try these out let me know, love to hear your feedback!


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