The one thing I've come to learn about in life is no matter what your life will be a roller coaster. Not just having bad and good days, but boring and busy, sad and happy days. I'm not one to be down in the dumps usually, but bored. I've had non-stop jobs, plus the military since I was in high-school. After getting out of the military I went home for those 9 months while Robert was deployed, and once he got back and we got settled in Colorado Springs I got a job. I didn't quit that job until it was basically time to pack up, clean the house and move to Georgia. This time we both decided I didn't need to get a job, I could just stay home and focus on college. It was all fun and games until about April. I was loving the Netflix and chilling by myself, sleeping in and taking naps.

Then one day I just got bored! I was sick of being alone during the day, I was sick of getting my college done early and have nothing to do other than video games, the tortoise or TV. Don't get me wrong I love my alone time, especially playing that WW2 or God of War, but it got boring. So I got myself a job! Just that easy (usually things are easy for me and I don't know why). So now I have this job, starting orientation as of next week on Monday (June 4th). I've had these last couple of weeks to kind of relax and do what I want. Now I'm super busy it seems. I've had new friends come into my life, Gohan is more active and college is seeming to need more attention to it. Go figure right?

That's what I'm talking about! One moment you're satisfied with life, the next you're wishing you had more, and now that you have it, you're wishing you'd never wished you wanted it. HAHAHAHA. Seriously though, maybe I should have just volunteered somewhere, but the extra mula will be fun. Plus I'm married now, so I'm super duper mature and womanly and up to the life challenge. Sike, like I said I'll play the shit out of some video games, challenge me.
P.S. The ice castles are in Colorado and I took the picture of the beach on Tybee Island.
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